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  • Our tutorial IDs are different from CORS. Format: W09 means Wednesday 0900 and so on.

    Module Tutorial ID (ID in CORS) Time Venue Tutors (contact details)
    CS2103T (CS) W09 (T4) Wed 0900 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103 W10 (10) Wed 1000 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103T (CS) W11 (T6) Wed 1100 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103T (CS) W13 (T1) Wed 1300 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103T (CS) W14 (T2) Wed 1400 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103T (CS) W15 (T3) Wed 1500 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103T (CEG) T09 (C01) Thu 0900 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103 T11 (2) Thu 1100 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103 T15 (4) Thu 1500 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103 T16 (5) Thu 1600 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103T (CS) F09 (T7) Fri 0900 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103 F11 (9) Fri 1100 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103 F12 (11) Fri 1200 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD
    CS2103T (CS) F14 (T5) Fri 1400 COM1-B103 (ALL) TBD

    *ALL: Active Learning Room

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    Covered by the 'Project Portfolio Page' component of v1.5rc:

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    Covered by the 'Demo' component of v1.5:

    Covered by v1.0-v1.5:

    Covered by v1.0-v1.5:

    Covered by the 'Peer Evaluations' component of the module:

    Also covered by the 'Practical Exam' of v1.5: